Exclusion is very useful to help someone have time away from the Casino (a break) or quit gambling. Exclusion helps when a person is tempted to gamble and trying not to. Exclusion provides the person and others some certainty that gambling will not be permitted

Self-Exclusion is encouraged for any reason which the person themselves deems to be important.

We offer exclusion periods from 3 months to a maximum of 24 months. We aim to ensure Excluded persons are refused entry to the Casino, including through the use of Facial Recognition Technology.  After the expiry date of any Exclusion, it remains in place until the person requests to return and is granted Re-Entry by us

Self-Exclusion is quick and easy to put into place – you do not need to sign anything; you only need to provide or confirm your details and the request.  Complete the form below and a member of our Host Responsibility team will be in direct contact with you to confirm your identity and obtain a photo in some cases.  All requests are treated confidentially.

Please contact us directly on:
P: (03) 371 2421
Or email us

Self Exclusion Request Form

Legal Name(Required)
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Do you play gaming machines at other venues (bars, clubs)?
We will forward your details and request to the coordinator at the Salvation Army Oasis, who will contact you and arrange for Exclusions from all the venues you choose to include.
Would you like us to arrange for a counsellor to contact you and discuss your gambling?

We welcome concerns about a person’s gambling brought to us by their relatives, friends or other associates. Such concerns are taken very seriously and we will investigate and take appropriate action.

Your confidentiality is assured and we do not need to disclose information to the person who may be experiencing gambling-related harm in order to take action.

Please contact us directly on:
P: (03) 371 2421
Or email us


The Casino can issue these when we hold concerns about a person’s gambling based on our observations and information. We also welcome concerns brought to us by friends or relatives of our customers.

Both options provide the opportunity to be excluded for up to 24 months.

Exclusion Orders are an effective way of helping people remain away from gambling and can be issued to cover other venues in Christchurch, as well as other New Zealand casinos.

We also recommend people use Self-Exclusion as a means to prevent gambling-related harm during times of difficulty or uncertainly, or to help them meet savings or budget goals.

Understand that we aim to ensure excluded persons are refused entry.

Excluded persons may return once the exclusion period has ended and they have met the re-entry criteria.


1. Verification that counselling was completed with a problem gambling counsellor

2. Re-entry meeting held with Christchurch Casino management

For more info please view our
Exclusion Information Sheet.

Please contact Host Responsibility prior to any visit after your Exclusion on
(03) 371 2421 or at